About the speaker

Nishta Geetha Thevaraja speaking at National Counselling Conference Asia

Dr. Geraldine Tan

Principal Psychologist
The Therapy Room, Singapore

Geraldine is a registered psychologist with the Singapore Register of Psychologists (SRP) and a certified clinical supervisor (Singapore Psychological Society). She holds a Doctor of Clinical Psychology (California) and a Masters in Applied Psychology (Singapore). With more than two decades of experience working with individuals with a multitude of psychological problems, her clients span from the young ones with learning disabilities like dyslexia to autism and adults with depression, anxiety, personality disorders to marital issues. She also conducts psychological testing for cognitive functioning, personality and job suitability.

Geraldine is a ACTA-accredited Trainer and has conducted corporate and professional training, workshops and talks for numerous multinational corporations (MNCs) and small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs). She is also actively involved in teachers and parents workshops in schools and as a regular panelist forpanel discussions on mental health issues. Being the referred to as the “people’s psychologist”, Geraldine is sought after by the media and has been featured widely in the media, including magazines, television and the internet to educate the public about the different disorders.

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