2020 Speakers
A big thank you to our speakers for their time and dedication.

Barbara L. Fredrickson
Ph.D., Kenan Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr Natalie Games
Clinical Psychologist, Alliance Counselling MA

Rachel Yang
MA, AThR, President,Art Therapists' Association Singapore

Lim Si Huan
Senior Clinical Psychologist,Aged Psychiatry Community Assessment & Treatment Service, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore

Karen Rose Vardeleon
Founding Partner, Psychologist,Childfam Possibilities Psychosocial Services

Dr. Kavita Bhargava
Psychologist, IMDHA Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist,Eternal Hospital Jaipur

Maria Micha
Certified NeuroChangeSolutions Corporate Consultant,Maria Micha Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Counseling Center

Agnes Chong
Clinical Psychologist,National University of Malaysia (UKM)

Antoinette Patterson
Co-Founder/CEO,Safe Space

Liew Shi Min
Clinical Psychologist,Singapore General Hospital

Nishta Geetha Thevaraja
Clinical Psychologist,Singapore General Hospital

Charlene Heng
Head of Department, Core Services,Samaritans of Singapore

Stephen Lew
Founder and Executive Director,The School of Positive Psychology

Elizabeth Santosa
Psychologist, Wellness Development Center

Joanna Tan
Senior Art Therapist, EMDR practitioner, Clinical Supervisor

Hwee Boon Toh
2nd Vice President of Singapore Association of Counselling (2018 - 2020), Registered Counsellor and Registered Clinical Superviso

Professor Philip Zimbardo
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Stanford University

Dr. Sunita Rai
Mindfulness Psychologist, Centre for Mindfulness

Dr. Gregor Lim-Lange
Co-founder & Chief Psychologist, Forest Wolf

Dr. Andy Hau Yan Ho
Professor of Psychology and Medicine, Nanyang Technological University

Jennifer Davis
Director, Student & Professional Leadership, Duke-NUS Medical School